Friday 10 August 2012

A Key Element Essential for Creating an Achievable Business Plan

Starting out on a great adventure is the culmination of dreams becoming reality for many. One great adventure that many begin journeying is building a profitable business. We could poll the top 100 successful businesses across the globe and the common denominator for them all will be the ability to not just articulate their business plan, but give evidence of how they have activated their plan to success outcomes.

Before embarking on a journey, a traveller should have done the following:

 Dreamed big dreams
 Developed an itinerary
 Made the necessary bookings
 Invested financially

It takes time and energy and actual finances to even get the journey off the ground; long before the destination is reached and the holiday adventure can begin in earnest.

If it takes that much effort for a vacation, how much more care, energy and commitment should go into planning for your business. A business plan is beyond a good idea, it is critical to your business's longevity. As a copy writer, I have spoken to many people wanting to build an online presence, carry out advertising etc and one of my first questions to them is "Do you have a business plan?" Too many for my liking answer in the negative. Full of hope, I then ask "What are the five-year goals for your business?" I know my work is really cut out for me when that question comes back negative.

To not have goals or a business plan is like hopping on the nearest bus, plane or train (doesn't matter which one) and then waiting to see where it takes you. Then when you get there, looking around and trying to work out "where to from here". Doesn't make sense at all.

Your business plan articulates your dreams into goals that can be activated by you and your employees. It defines vision, values and purpose. It keeps your focus on the main thing that will make your business successful.

A goal is key; it is the essential element that creates your business plan. An achievable business plan builds a successful business.

Do you have goals? Can you articulate them? One of the first images to come to mind when thinking of a goal is that of a single football player kicking a ball through posts in front of a roaring crowd. Don't forget that in a football game there is a time frame. The players have only a certain amount of time to kick as many goals as they can. But those goals are short-lived as they have no meaning in the next match that is played by that team.

So, don't think about the winning, "look-at-me-I-am-a-hero" kind of goal. You want measurable goals, not matter how large or small. They will become the rock solid foundation that your business builds on as well as stepping-stones that make your business go from good to great.

In football, those goal posts never move and the way to achieve the goal is to kick that ball through them. It cannot go either side and a player has not input in this.

Your business goals, however, are flexible as is your business. You have control of your goal posts and the nature of the goals.What you are doing today to build your business will not (hopefully) look the same in five years.

Just like in planning for a journey, you have to dream. Dream as big as you want. What do you want your business to look like? What will it feel like to be a successful business owner? Write down all elements of your dreams. Then look objectively at them and run them through the When, Why, Who and How filters.

A point to make here is that dreams and wants are not goals. You could dream of eating a chocolate cake and being able to picture it, almost taste it. So much so, that you actually want the chocolate cake. But in front of you there is no chocolate cake. What is necessary for your dream and desire of a chocolate to become a reality? Setting some small achievable goals that lead to action and results.

First you have to do your research and find a recipe for a delicious chocolate cake. Then you need collect or purchase the right ingredients listed in the recipe. After that, you have to expend some energy to mix the ingredients into a cake batter that you pour into a cake pan. Finally in a heated oven, you place your uncooked cake batter. Then wait as long as it takes for the cake to bake. Then after it has cooled down you get to totally enjoy the finished product. In this instance, you get to make your cake and eat it, too!

Think of chocolate cake when creating goals. You may need to do some research before you can change your dream into a goal. It pays to be willing to do the research to become an expert in the things that matter to the success of your goals. Work is important to achieve your goals. A cake cannot become a cake unless someone physically does some work to make it happen.

Also, count the cost. In order to watch your business plan actually become your business, you have to be willing to invest not just time and energy but real money. Acknowledging that a financial investment will help the long-term growth of your dreams into business reality, makes creating a budget a straightforward endeavour.

However, once you have your goals, go over them and get to know them well. Put them in front of you so you see them throughout your day. Your action plan will be begin to come together nicely as you research, articulate, and position yourself to become an informed contributor to your business plan.

By developing an action for each goal, you will build a time-frame into them, be it a daily, weekly, monthly or yearly goal. Because they are your goals for your business you get to say the how and when of them. Your guide posts and markers are the ones that matter.

It is beyond price to have a repertoire of actionable goals to structure your business plan around. Develop daily, weekly, monthly, yearly goals that telescope into each other. Looking through the lens of your daily goals should always allow you to see the landscape of your yearly goals. Likewise gazing into your yearly goals should narrow your focus to the essential daily goals. Not only that, but just like a telescope can be folded into itself and easily transported, you can carry all your goals inside your business plan. Just remember that the goals need to be:


Positive goals should be an obvious thing, but many people word their goals around negativity. Don't let your goals encapsulate your fears, they have to solidify your dreams.

Even though these thoughts are meant to assist someone developing their business plan, really goals are goals in all parts of your life. Use them wisely and you will have the best life.

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